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Upon arriving in Iquitos, it was great to feel the tropical warmth of the Amazon Rainforest and admire the number of motorbikes, mototaxis ...
After our time in Sucre and Potosí, we took another couple of buses to reach Uyuni - a shit hole of a town, purely set up for tourism, on th...
After our time in Salento, we spent a week in Medellin checking out the city, drinking a lot of beer at the Bogotá Brewing Co Pub, and tryi...
After an awesome 2 months back in Utila, I was definitely ready to leave (though Cassie was a little harder to drag away) especially because...
After 5 weeks of cold and pretty miserable weather in the US, we were obviously very stoked to be heading back to the warmth and beautiful w...
Bear with us on this one...it is a very long post of our entire 3 weeks in Nicaragua. After farewelling Cam's parents we headed s...
After a week of shitty, unreliable Bolivian internet, I am finally able to do a quick update of our time in Cusco and our tours around the ...
After our time in Medellin and our search for employment, we decided to move to Bogota where the job prospects were more promising. We secu...
At the end of July, we met Cam's parents in Costa Rica for 2 weeks. We rented a car for the two weeks (a big luxury for us budget-backp...
Before I begin, I would first like to apologise to all of our avid followers (haha!) for not posting any updates for so long. Blogging has t...
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